Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Iguanas vs Boca
Pet Shop Thief Arrested
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Boreal Toad Anomaly
Labels: amphibian decline, biology, disease, research, toads
Minnesota Sea Turtle Goes Home
Labels: reintroduction, sea turtle, zoo
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dog Fought Copperhead
Tenarife Trouble
Labels: conservation, endangered species, lizard, mortality
Snake Keeper Passed
Labels: herpetoculture, snakes
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thai Smuggling
Turtle Debate
Labels: conservation, hunting, politics, turtle
Gator Takes Arm
Monday, June 23, 2008
Salamander Study
Labels: endangered species, research, salamander
Snapper Conservation
Labels: conservation, reintroduction, turtle
Crocodilian News
China is reporting (for some reason) the sighting of some Chinese alligators in the wild. (News source.)
Two gharials were spotted 30km from the Tata Steel Zoological Park (in India ), where they escaped during flooding. (News source.)
An Australian man was fortunate enough to fight off an attack by a 15-foot saltwater crocodile. (News source.)
Baby Nile crocodiles synchronize their hatching by chattering to each other beforehand. (News source.)
Labels: alligator, behavior, biology, bite, crocodile, endangered species, gharial, zoo
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Croc Park Opening
Labels: crocodile, exhibition, zoo
Friday, June 20, 2008
Czech Croc Zoo
Labels: crocodile, exhibition, zoo
Rattler Bites
And a column here that describes a rattlesnake bite with long-term medical difficulties...
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
New Frog
Labels: amphibians, frogs, new species
Gator Fiasco
Snake Park
Labels: exhibition, snakes, zoo
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New York Reptile Rescue Vandalized
Update: The python has been found... (New source.)
Sea Turtle Tourism Success
Labels: exhibition, rehabilitation, sea turtle
Adder Bite
California Field Herping
Labels: herping, rattlesnake
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Turtle Egg Smuggling
Labels: crime, sea turtle, smuggling, turtle
35,000 Cobras
Oddly, he claims to feed them prawns...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Utah DWR Kills Snakes
Copperhead Bite
Because copperheads (and timbers) are rare in the state, a DNR biologist stated: "'It would be surprising to find either of the venomous snakes of Massachusetts (the Northern copperhead and the timber rattlesnake) in Chicopee.
"'It's a fairly developed town and it's some distance from the nearest known locations of those venomous snakes. They're typically found in remote mountainous areas' within the valley, he said.
"'I've heard that most of the bites from venomous snakes are from captive animals. So it's possible this could be a captive animal that escaped or that was otherwise set free,' Jackson said."
Apparently, baseless rumors are "good science" with the MA DNR. (For the record, most bites from venomous snakes involve drunk men playing with snakes, wild or captive. It's not "captivity" that makes snakes more prone to bite; quite often, they're more docile than wild snakes.)
Mexican Croc Attack
Big Rattlesnake
Labels: rattlesnake
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Croc Bites Cambodian "Croc Hunter"
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Crocs in the News
In India, a gharial was hatched out with a significant defect: no tail. The article speculates that it may be linked to a suspected toxin responsible for the recent gharial deaths. (News source.)
Labels: bite, crocodile, crocodilian, deformities, gharial
Friday, June 13, 2008
Australian Keeper Bit
Leatherbacks on Padre Island
Labels: breeding, sea turtle
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Toad Weapon
Labels: introduced, toads
Massasauga Hunter
Labels: endangered species, rattlesnake
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Big Snake Reported
Labels: length, out of place, snakes
More Snakebite News
An Inglewood, California, man was bitten by a rattlesnake when he picked it up, mistaking it for a nonvenomous species. (News source.)
A 15-year old Texas boy was bitten by a probably nonvenomous snake, but was sent to the hospital after complaining of discomfort from the bite. (News source.)
A Greenville, South Carolina, hospital has had 9 snake bites the past month, triple the usual number in a typical month. (News source.)
In Israel, a migrant worker was bitten by a snake near Tel Aviv, and other bites have been documented recently. (News source.)
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
More on Snakebites
The previously mentioned Orlando, Fl, snakebite was a resort employee bitten by an eastern diamondback as he attempted to move it from the grounds. (News source.)
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Monday, June 9, 2008
Snake Bites
And Thai police are scratching their heads over a strange cobra bite fatality...
Labels: bite, cobras, mortality, rattlesnake, snakes
Lake Erie Watersnakes Recover
Labels: conservation, snakes, threatened
Wrong Croc
Scuba Divers vs Komodo
Labels: komodo
Saturday, June 7, 2008
SC Crocodile
Labels: crocodile, out of place
Kuwait Gets Reptile Museum
Labels: exhibition, reptiles, zoo
Smuggling INTO Indonesia
An Israeli man died after being bitten on the face by a snake. The species isn't identified, but the article notes that it is a rare species. (News source.)
Friday, June 6, 2008
TN Arrest
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Alabama Snakebites
MD: OOP Gator
Labels: alligator, out of place
Labels: introduced, lizard
Alaskan Rubber Boa
Labels: out of place, snakes
Amphibian News
More tests show that probiotic bacteria may help frogs fight skin diseases. (News source.)
Labels: amphibians, conservation, frogs, research, toads
Chelonian News
16 sea turtles were rehabilitated and released here.
Labels: crime, rehabilitation, sea turtle, smuggling, tortoise
Croc Issues
Cane toads are killing freshwater crocs in Australia. (News source.)
A dog that survived a gator attack died from bite-related infections. (News source.)
Labels: alligator, crocodile, dogs, introduced, mortality, toads
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Turtle Release
Labels: conservation, culture, endangered species, turtle
Zambia Crocodile Attack
Crocodiles in the New
An interesting pic, a saltwater croc munching on a pig-nosed turtle in Kakadu. (News source.)
Snakebite News
A 2-year old Georgia boy was bitten by a copperhead. (News source.)
Coral snakes are on the move in Texas due to lack of water... (News source.)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Gator Politics in NC
Cottonmouth Bite (?)
More on Turtle Egg Poaching
Labels: conservation, crime, poaching, sea turtle