Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Some Envenomations
A Texas man was bitten by a rattlesnake. (News source.)
Three snakebite deaths were reported from India. (News source.)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Nepali Snake Festivals
Friday, July 24, 2009
India: New Gecko
Labels: gecko, lizard, new species
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Horned Lizard Species
Labels: lizard, new species
Massasauga Bite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Brown Snake Bite
Sea Turtle Smuggling
Labels: crime, endangered species, poaching, sea turtle, smuggling
Lonesome George Not So Lonesome
Labels: breeding, conservation, endangered species, tortoise
Monday, July 20, 2009
New Varanus from Indonesia
Labels: lizard, new species
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tiger Ate Snakes
Problem Gators
A Florida man lost two fingers to an alligator while rescuing his dog. (News source.)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Python Hunt Catches One
Labels: introduced, snakes
Friday, July 17, 2009
Invasive News
The governor of Florida has approved python-hunting in the Everglades. (News source.)
Labels: frogs, introduced, legality, snakes
Prisoners Raise Endangered Frogs
Labels: conservation, culture, endangered species, frogs
Hellbender Conservation
Labels: conservation, salamander, zoo
Sabotage at Croc Farm?
Rattlesnake Bites
Another man in Florida was driving through the Everglades when he stopped to rescue an eastern diamondback from the road, and ended up getting bit. (News source.)
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Lizard Locomotion
Sandfish (a desert lizard) swim like snakes through the sand. (Eurekalert.)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
NC Snake Law Passed
Frog Farm Failure
Rescue Holds Fashion Show
OOP Gators
A couple of Indiana teens killed a 6-foot alligator in a Jasper County river. (News source.)
A small alligator was captured in the Tuscarawas River, in Ohio. (News source.)
Labels: alligator, out of place
Chinese Alligator Success
Labels: alligator, conservation, endangered species, reintroduction
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Croc with Armor
Labels: crocodilian, fossil
Massachusetts Rattlesnake Bite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Crocodile News
Australian police are searching for thieves who stole 18 young saltwater crocs from a crocodile farm in Darwin. (News source.)
Snake Bites
An Idaho woman was bitten by a small rattlesnake. (News source.)
A Florida man was bitten by a pygmy rattlesnake. (News source.)
Sri Lanka recorded approx. 33000 snakebites in 2008. (News source.)
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
New US Salamander
A new genus and species of lungless salamander (family Plethodontidae) from the Appalachian highlands of the south-eastern United States
C. D. Camp, W. E. Peterman, J. R. Milanovich, T. Lamb, J. C. Maerz, D. B. Wake
Journal of Zoology
Published Online: Jun 22 2009 12:04PM
Labels: new species, salamander
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Gator Farm Blues
Friday, July 3, 2009
Rip Van Frog
Crocs in Rio Grande
Labels: crocodile, out of place
Snake Bites (or Not)
A Texas woman was bitten by a copperhead. (News source.)
Superpredator Salamanders
Labels: hybrids, introduced, salamander
Maine: Giant Snake Rumors
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Australian Smuggler Fined
Alabama Coral Snake
Rattler Bites
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Fatal Attack by a Burmese Python
Actually, while the stories say the python was a pet, it also says the man had "bagged and caged" the python the night before -- so was it a recently captured feral snake?
Labels: bite, introduced, mortality, snakes