Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Aussie Dogs to the Rescue
A recently adopted doberman saves a toddler from a king brown snake. (News source.)
Three kelpies attacked an eastern brown snake uncovered by a retiree while gardening; one was bitten and currently in a coma. (News source.)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Australian Croc Killed
Rattlesnake Bite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Monday, October 29, 2007
Frog Fungus Cure
Labels: conservation, disease, frogs, research
Australia Woman Charged
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Snake Park Robbed
Labels: crime, exhibition, snakes
Friday, October 26, 2007
Indonesia Reptile Park Profile
Labels: exhibition, zoo
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Slimy Salamanders Breed
Labels: breeding, salamander, zoo
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
More Rattlers
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Albino Lizard
Cricket Frogs vs Development
Labels: frogs
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
FL Rattlesnake Bite
Labels: bite, legality, rattlesnake, snakes
Gator Stories
A retiree in Sun City Center, FL, has been sabotaging alligator traps, claiming he is defending the gators and that people should just expect to live with them when they move into their habitat. (News source.)
A man swerved on the road to miss an animal, and ended up putting his SUV into a Palm Bay, FL, lake. Large alligators kept divers from retrieving the car. (News source.)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Croc Escape
Rattler Bite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tortoise Preserve
Labels: conservation, endangered species, tortoise
Coqui Eradication Misfire
Labels: culture, frogs, introduced
Friday, October 19, 2007
Australian Croc Bite
Labradoodle vs Diamondback
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, venom
Hoekstra Hates Turtles
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Aussie Govt. vs Toads
Labels: introduced, research, toads
Illegal Pets
Big Gator
Labels: alligator
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuatara Transfer
Labels: conservation, tuatara
Turtles Tip
International Snakebites
There's a good bit of controversy over the death of a young boy in India who died from snakebite; the parents say the hospital refused to treat until they had enough money for a security deposit, and the doctors say the boy was brought in too late to save. (News source.)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Australian Lizard Seizure
Timber Relocation
Labels: conservation, rattlesnake
Snot Otter Conservation
Labels: conservation, salamander
Monday, October 15, 2007
Fighting Cane Toads
Labels: conservation, introduced, research, toads
Croc Farm Research
Uganda Croc
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Georgia Rattlesnake Bite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tree Frog Tape
Labels: biomimicry, frogs, research
Ukraine Croc Still At Large
Labels: crocodile, out of place
Beetle vs Snake
Tortoise Smuggler
Two-Headed Carpet Python
Labels: exhibition, mutations, zoo
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Snakebite in Florida
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Gator Trapped
FL County's First Leatherbacks
Labels: sea turtle
Coral Snake Antivenom Research
Runaway Snake Returns
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Rattlesnake Bite Fatality
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Bavarian Reptile Hunt
The sighting report is unclear; sounds a little like it could also be a large monitor lizard or an iguana (assuming some size exaggeration).
Labels: crocodile, out of place
Mozambique Campaign
Update: Another news posting states that Mozambique will begin exporting 100,000 crocodiles to South Africa and Zimbabwe. Not sure if they are collecting and hatching eggs, or just exporting the eggs, etc. (News source.)
Labels: crocodile
Alabama Man Charged
It would be nice to see state officials focus on the crime itself, without attempting to justify the law with irresponsible arguments like, "these snakes pose a serious threat to people, and could threaten native wildlife had they escaped and began to breed." Makes a good soundbite, but it is little more than fear-mongering.
Woman Killed by Gator
UK Reptile Theft
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
SC Snakebite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
India Gharial
Labels: conservation, gharial
Sea Turtle News
A $1 million sea turtle rehabilitation facility has been proposed for Surf City, NC, to replace an older facility in need of expansion. (News source.)
Labels: conservation, sea turtle, veterinary medicine
More on Cane Toads
Drought around Brisbane appears to be reducing cane toads in that location. (News source.)
Labels: introduced, toads
Monday, October 8, 2007
Georgia Gator Investigation
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Cane Toads Expanding
Labels: introduced, toads
South Dakota Snakebite
Labels: bite, rattlesnake, snakes
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Turtle Dogs
Labels: box turtle, conservation
Snake Bite Stories
Tortoise Snack
Anaconda Movie Sequels
Aussie Snakebite
Friday, October 5, 2007
Toad Genome
Labels: introduced, research, toads
The snake should be donated to a museum, as two-headed snakes aren't likely to survive long in the wild.
Caiman Farm
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Lizards Listen to Birds
Serpentarium Profile
Labels: exhibition, research, venom, zoo
Cobra Festival
Smuggler Pleads Guilty
Dwarf Croc Fathers Clutch
Small Frog in India (But Not World's Smallest)
Also, another specimen of the endangered golden gecko (Calodactylodes sp.) has been discovered in India. (News source.)
Labels: frogs, new species
Rattlesnake Calendar
Labels: rattlesnake
Crocodile Tears
Singapore vs Smuggling
Labels: conservation, legality, smuggling
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Developer vs Slow Worms
Labels: conservation, lizard
Spotted Frog Release
Labels: conservation, endangered species, frogs, reintroduction
Zambia Croc Attack
Labels: endangered species, gharial
Everglades Pythons Increasing
Labels: introduced, out of place, snakes
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Officer Snakebit
Croc Diving

Blanding's Release
Labels: conservation, turtle
Wandering Boa
Labels: out of place, snakes
Lizards Play Rock-Paper-Scissors
"A quick look at their undersides reveals the strategy: males who sport orange bellies are brutes who invade other lizards' territories to mate with any female they can catch. But while they're gone, drab yellow-bellied males slink onto the vacant territory and mate with unguarded females. White-bellied males guard their mates closely, and cooperate with other white-bellied lizards to keep the yellows at bay. Hence the analogy to rock-paper-scissors: force (orange) defeats cooperation (white), cooperation defeats deception (yellow), and deception defeats force." ...
"The cycle goes like this: one color type--orange, for example--is common in a patch of habitat for a year or two. During that time, the orange bullies spend their time attacking white-bellied lizards on nearby territories. The effort leaves females on their own territories unguarded, allowing yellow-bellied lizards to sneak in and sire offspring. So yellow males become prevalent for the next year or two. After that, white-bellied lizards proliferate as they team up to protect their mates from yellows' intrusions. But once the white-bellied males become numerous, they're easy pickings for the remaining orange-bellied males, who regain superior numbers as the cycle starts again."
Lacey Act Bust
Monday, October 1, 2007
Cobra Fatality
Gator in Wisconsin
Labels: alligator, hunting, out of place